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Study Of The Female Body


A study of the Female body to take a closer look at what holds us all together- our skin the largest organ of our body. I have 1.75 2m of skin surrounding me, holding me, covering me.

But yet we cover most of it and hide any marks, which society has taught us to be flaws, instead of normalising our scars, marks, different textures, loose skin, spots and stretch marks. Why hide something we all know each one of us has? Instead, we should accept and appreciate our skin just how it is - has our skin not done enough for us? I am thankful for my skin, holding me together however loose or tight.

Photo: @marielisette_

Model: @quyny

Model: @xxenia_a_

Model: Model: Isabel Cogumbreiro

Model: @alesdis_

Model: Maria Vittoria Scarcia

Model: @tilda.morgenstern

Model: Jana

Model: @roseaida

Model: @sophiebohmeier

Via @officialkavyar

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